fuse – post secondary education and career readiness REGISTRATION



Registration taking place until January 25th. Fuse takes place Wed. January 26 – March 16th, 2022 from 7-8:30 at Trinity United Church for students 14-22 years of age. This is a small group mentoring program that helps students explore career and post-school options.
Some topics are resume building, interviewing, career assessments, financial literacy etc.

Registrations received before Dec. 31st will be entered into a draw.

If interested complete the attached form and we will get back to you.

fuse (Big Possibilities)

Enrolment for post-secondary education and career readiness

Attender Information

Parent Information if under 18

or email bbbscentralplains@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca.
or phone 204 857-4397